Michelle Williams looks quite enigmatic as the latest cover girl for Hobo Magazine’s # 13 edition.
On dropping everything... “I often dream of quitting acting. Walking away and becoming a laundress or a sous chef or maybe writing other people’s love letters for a living. Clearly, I don’t like to be in charge. And thinking of quitting is just keeping going in disguise. When you have options, anything is bearable. It’s when a situation is inescapable that it becomes hell.”
On her concept of homeand the paparazzi... “I’m always trying to figure out what kind of life I want to live. What do I want to do? Where is the best place to be? How do I want to spend my time What situations optimize my parenting? Which really is the most important thing in my world. That’s the question that I’m asking. “How do I ive my life and workin a way that makes me the best parent I can be?” I think it’s the ultimate creative act. If this doesn’t turn out well then there is no success or awards in the world that can make up for it. So I’m always wondering what that balance is, and where it is. Like today we were in Los Angeles and we were starting to get followed by the paparazzi and it unhinges me in a matter of seconds. While nothing is physically harming you, emotionally I find it so traumatic. It completely shakes me, and terrorizes me. I find myself all of a sudden crying and screaming, so I realized this is not the best place for me to be the best parent I can be. It gets a little blown out of proportion in your mind. I’m not equipped to deal with it, to have a sane and rational approach to it.”
On Going back to Wendy and Lucy and Meek’s Cutoff, did she develop an affinity with Oregon at all?..."I have very fond memories of the Ace Hotel in Portland. Yeah, that is some place where I played with my “perfect world” game. And I thought that Portland might get pretty close. Man, there is nothing like a Portland summer. But then I also realized as soon as you make a place home, you invite entanglements, and Portland seemed like a place that I would want to keep free from that. As long as I don’t make it my home it stays perfection. I can miss it, I can yearn for it, I can fantasize about it and I can visit it and have the best time."
Scoot over to Hobomagazine.com for thee rest of the article!

Annie Leibovitz captures the essence of Marilyn Monroe with photos of Michelle Williams for the October issue of Vogue!
Michelle Williams Channels Marilyn Monroe for... by celebtv
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